SAM.SSA is the acronym for the EU research project "Sugar Alcohol based Materials for Seasonal Storage Applications".
While striving for the reduction of fossil energy consumption and CO2 emission in order to stabilise the world's climate, new ways of collecting and storing heat are needed. One way to tackle this challenge is thermal energy storage that will facilitate and allow for the amplified use of renewable energy sources, increase efficiencies, capture waste heat and provide more flexibility of the energy system at low cost. Thermal storage, however, requires research on high-density storage technology, with the development of advanced phase change materials as well as significant reduction of the associated specific costs. This is exactly what the SAM.SSA project will deliver.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 296006. It is a collaborative project with 9 partners from all over Europe starting from April 1, 2012 for 3 years until March 31, 2015.